This post is dedicated to the two wonderful guys in my life:
My Amazing Husband and Our Darling Son!
Fist and foremost, to Gordon:
I love you for so, so many reasons (see above picture for one). Not the least of these are being secretly brilliant, keeping "old internet" alive in your heart and phone (Long Live SBmails!), and for being generally awesome. All internet based evidence aside, you are truly, truly, amazing, Captain. Thanks for being great and always caring for me. ;)
(Enjoy the links! XOxo)
which brings me to...
Congratulations on surviving your first month!(There's actually a story behind that, but we'll tell it another time.)
We are so in love with this baby boy, and so happy he's here! And, with a face like this, who wouldn't be?
Okay, so he's not in love with is Valentine's jammies. |
and finally,
We Love All of You!
Seriously, we would be nowhere without all the wonderful love and support of our dear family and friends. So, I will leave you with these most excellent words of wisdom that I try to live by every day.