I'm a dad. I thought there was some course or certification that needed to happen before I got that title, but instead, it just kind of...happened.
John is wondering when I'll just get over myself and get him some milk
So, as the days blur together as a process of changing, holding, bouncing, and handing the kid over to Mom to eat, Houston shut down twice due to inclement weather.
See that frosting in the valleys of the roofs? That's what brought this great city to its knees.
Of course, it doesn't take much for drivers unaccustomed to icy conditions to cause a ton of trouble, so I kept off the roads. That gave me some more time to hang out with the kid.
And we put him in an oversized bear suit when we go outside.
This popular guy wasn't content to just hang out with his parents though. He demanded that his grandparents come and visit him. So they did.
I think Mom was wrapping her head around being a grandma!
He didn't seem to mind hanging out at restaurants...most of the time.
John doesn't like the process of going out the door.
You're taking me where?
Fortunately, the Grandparents Reese have a bit of a knack at chilling him out.
I think he may be a little small for the suit here...
Seriously? You're going to leave my pacifier there, just out of reach?
We enjoyed having my parents stay in our new home. Of course, it also helps to have extra hands to help do things like wall hangings and ceiling fan installations.
He really gets into his pacifier if he's upset.
It was early February, and we were able to invite more family out to Houston to attend John's baby blessing. I failed to get many pictures of the San Antonio crew, but I did get this one of Becca being a natural mommy.
It wasn't until the day of John's blessing that it struck me that this is probably the most personal public act of my priesthood. With the exception of maybe a confirmation, a baby's blessing is the most unscripted, highly attended blessing one can give. So no pressure there. I think things turned out well; the bishop didn't need to refute anything I said at least. And John didn't cry, thanks to Robby's quick pacifier fix.
Also, it was Alison's birthday.
John wasn't exactly in the happiest of moods when he learned that the Grandparents Reese were leaving
Noooo! You have to stay!
Michelle, Robby, and crew were able to come out from LA. John was especially popular with Emma and Charlotte.
We were happy to have John's first encounter with his LA cousins!
Yeah...I guess this is what an experienced Dad looks like
The LA Gibbs had to go home shortly after the blessing, and I had to go to work. Alison probably has better pictures than I do during the time she was home with him. I'll just include the few I caught when I was home.
Practicing his martial arts
What are you looking at?
I want this pacifier in my mouth.
Mommy and Johnny!
A particularly photogenic morning
His expression when we go on walks. Reminds me of Gene Wilder's Willy Wonka tunnel sequence for some reason...
Look, he's getting taller!
One way to calm a fussy John
So I says to him...
Time to burp!
In the meantime, the neighborhood continued to build out. A lot of our neighbors will be moving in soon! Our house is on the left.
John also gets an opportunity to meet some his great grandparents! Great-grandma Gibbs dropped by to say hi!
John is skeptical
A rare picture of me attempting to be a father. Obviously, I'm not much of a calming influence
Stop trying to make tickling happen. It's not going to happen.
Prince John
Grandma Gibbs had her birthday while she was over!
Baby John and his great grandmom
Alison can't resist putting him his bear suit
I'm not going to do that bear suit any more.
Darn it.
As he approaches the 2 month mark (this week!), he's starting to show signs of emotions other than sleepy and fussy.
I tried to introduce him to science. The rebooted COSMOS series started Sunday. I quite enjoy it.