Hey, it's been a couple of months! Maybe I should do that blog thing again? As I sit at my computer on my lunch break at work, I see the glowing numbers and data of Fantasy Football calling to me. This is a strange temptation to me. But Final Fantasy Football has no pictures of my son, and I think that's the main draw to this place. So, without further ado...
Our neighborhood is nearing completion. This one was taken just before the last of the houses on our street were completed.
Johnny chilling with Poang |
I included this one because it looks like he's in a flying machine |
Johnny's first Easter was kind of fun. He developed a taste for hands right about this time.
Grandma Debby left for China during the summer, which made John a bit sad.
He also began to strengthen his sitting skills.
I started getting annoyed with the thermostat that came with our house (doing anything besides setting a temperature seemed to be problematic). I figured now was a good a time as any to get myself a Nest thermostat. It's been pretty great so far, although it's hard to quantify exactly how much it has saved me in cooling costs because this is the first summer I've spent in the house. It certainly is a lot more convenient to set a schedule with it.
Johnny was treated for poor eyesight |
But not for poor taste in music |
Too late for Pi day but too early for Tau day...I was not sure how I should be |
I think we're to blame for the tongue thing |
Our Memorial Day this year was going to be filled with outdoorsy fun, but it ended up in a downpour.
Johnny and our friend's daughter Alicia (about 7 months older) |
We found enough entertaining things indoors, at least.
Hey why are you taking pictures rather than playing with me? |
OK fine |
This was Johnny's first day at school. And Alison's last. I helped her clear out her Caney Creek High School room. It was a long ways away from home, so we're glad she got a new job at Klein.
Can you make a face like me? |
Close enough |
I don't know where he got this one from though |
We finally got to go out on our first downtown date in a long while. Ben Folds was in concert with the Houston Symphony Orchestra. Never been big on Ben Folds, but after the concert I can see the appeal. We also hit up a local Mexican restaurant, Irma's. They don't have a menu, they just tell you when you're seated what the choices are. Tilapia or al pastor tacos were the choices the night we went. Both really good.
My boss was nice enough to get a snazzy little outfit for our kid.
What you cannot really see here is what has become a bit of a local legend at Sawmill Ranch. There was an alligator that had migrated into our pond. I snapped this picture as a crowd gathered to take a look at the top of his nose, which you can barely see about 1/3 from bottom of the frame.
Life would be complete without the Alamo Drafthouse. I hold in my hands here the trinkets obtained from the
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade quote-a-long. In addition to, you know, quoting along with the movie, we had these cap guns that we fired off during gun battles, kazoos to buzz the theme song, and much more. It was very fun.
Johnny was always hungry, so around his 6 month birthday, we made him his first solid food--rice cereal.
I...think he liked it.
I liked that it put him to sleep later. |
Grandma Debby returned with Hilary and kids in tow in the beginning of July. Market Street in The Woodlands puts on a parade for Independence Day, so that's where we spent the morning.
Fire trucks. |
Johnny was still trying to figure out whether he liked water |
Not the most respectful of the flag, I guess... |
This year I didn't bother trying to take pictures of fireworks on my phone. It just doesn't work. We also tried watching The Woodlands fireworks from Northshore Park. Most of the fireworks were unfortunately a bit low to see over the treeline from where we were. 6/10, would try somewhere else next year.
We've had plenty of time to hang out with the formerly Chinese Browns. They're in transition to Saudi Arabia, but sort of stuck in Texas for the time being. We don't mind too much.
Not a bad choice, Johnny |
We finally convinced Mom to come out and visit us before the summer ended and life got crazy.
One day we got to run out to Brenham to check out the Blue Bell ice cream factory. It was actually a pretty impressive operation...especially considering that it is all a private enterprise.
Maybe when you've got teeth, you can have ice cream as well |
We also got a chance to visit the Museum of Natural Science downtown. Unfortunately, I only got through about half the stuff I wanted to investigate. I guess this is why you go back more than once. If it wasn't so hard to get to, I'd probably be a member.
After the museum it was time for Taco...Friday. At Torchy's (which soon will be opening a location near us, sweet!).
No taco for me? |
No. Have a towel. |
Over the weekend we ran out to San Antonio to visit Grandma and the James gang. We hadn't been out that way since Johnny was born, so it was a lot of fun for everyone.
Uncle Kevin seemed to get along with Johnny better than me even |
He seemed OK with Aunt Tammy too |
How we keep Johnny entertained when changing his diaper |
Many birthday parties followed.
I think this was Hilary's |
An unexpected picture at the temple of Ian, Hilary, and Debby |
Johnny playing with Uncle Kevin's baby gift |
Me waiting for a party of 8...alone |
I think this was Ryan's birthday |
We've since diversified Johnny's diet to include yams, beans, carrots, and peas. If it's orange or green, he'll eat it now. |
Robby and Michelle also came to visit. Emma still is obsessed with our kid.
A surprisingly cool August morning, we endured photographs alongside a bunch of College Park cheerleaders.
How to get the attention of kids for pictures |
Near where Torchy's will be, there is now a doner joint. Pretty good; I may go there more often.
Johnny finds cool ways to drink |
Ryan and his Transformer |
Johnny's preferred sleeping position |
Apparently Andrew is a Broncos fan |
This is Johnny, pre-crawling days |
Now that school has begun, life has become more hectic. Johnny seems to be doing alright at the day care we picked out (just down the road from our neighborhood). Alison only has one crazy story from school so far (I'll let her choose whether she wants to tell it). Granted, it's only the 3rd day of classes...
Work is going alright. I find myself more looking forward to football season. I just have to find a way to do it without Alison thinking she's becoming a football widow, which is apparently a thing. Of course, she always seems to enjoy it when she's at the games--we've got tickets to the UT vs BYU game on Sept 6! Maybe we'll be on TV briefly?