Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Working 9 to 5...more like 7-6"M" >.>

Yeah...well here are a few highlights from life. I'm attempting to do something hard with my career and that has been sapping my energy. Since that effort has been more or less stalled, here's what's been going on February.

John continues his lifelong obsession with hats.

He also learned to walk on grass. Before this he would stand still in grass and cry.

What he may look like with a mustache.

The community pool is finally getting close to completion!

Doug and Chris came to visit!

We slept at one point...after Alison stopped taking these silly pictures.

Alison and Johnny went to the rodeo with the Taylors, while I went to work. Whee.

He loves this hat, by the way.

We finally painted our wall.

John liked it...I think.

Some chucklehead ran into the back of my car and left a scratch. Guy drove off. Eh...guess I won't worry about it too much.

John tries his hand at cooking.

Then begins our trip to Disneyland in late March. We missed our check-in by a minute, so we had time to eat before our rescheduled flight.

Not that John seemed to mind that we got to our hotel at the equivalent of 4 AM.

Andrew says hi.
We're somewhere dark. Like, probably Star Tours or something.
Emma and Andrew help John learn the finer points of Italian dining at Naples.
Rob and his personnel carrier.
Lego dragon projectile vomiting on a poor knight?
Strolling through Disney California
Alison and Emma prepare for a Silly Symphony
"Hey, I know you!"
The purple hues of Arendelle

Waiting for princesses...
Here's Rapunzel!
Johnny is besides himself
Mulan and John
High five, Elizabeth!

John liked Tiana, but wouldn't look at the camera...
Cinderella of course is a favorite

The controlled chaos of the animation studio

Hey, we got to ride a big kid ride for once!
Ready for Cars?
The waiting game in front of the restaurant


The magic-nothing-is-open hour!

High above Pleasure Pier in the Ferris wheel
Emma winning a prize for John
Sist Cousins!

Can't run from us now!
Andrew preparing for his training as a Jedi

Got most of the crowd to look at me at Carthay Circle

Can't handle the 'cups, John?
The front of our Small Boat
The rear of our Small Boat
Of course, all good things must come to an end. Also, SuperShuttle is bad. Don't use them. They ditched us at Disneyland and we were lucky enough to get transport to the airport. Also, John Wayne is way nicer than LAX.

We were followed back to Houston to start a fire in Grandma Debby's backyard...

...and jump on her couches.

There was an event called "Curefest" in Humble. I've not attended a local festival in a while, so it was surprising to see some of the neat things that they've got. Like, a lot of cool vintage cars.

Of course, the main reason I went out was to hear Brian's band. Pretty good! Johnny even danced around as they performed.

Sunday at the Browns'.

And then a brief stop at our place!

Then Easter was upon us! We had a nice little neighborhood egg hunt, and John even managed to pick up a couple himself.

I think Alison took the Hipster Easter picture for me this time.

This is often part of John's bedtime routine. He likes his little chair.

And finally, I got around to manicuring our lawn. John will even run around in it sometimes!

The pool is filled in and almost open for business.

John likes running about on the splash pad...

...and he got to try out the swing for the first time.

A common scene at home: Johnny and the broom. It's a bit problematic, as he refuses to let us use it once he grabs hold.

This is what happens when he feeds himself.

A view of the county courthouse, where I nearly served on a jury. I didn't get picked though, so I just had to burn half my day away waiting in the selection room.

Playtime at the Crawfords'!

Then John ran a fever, meaning Dad got to stay home with him. Yeah, he wasn't really that sick.

"More everything!"
 Grandma Debby kept John for the weekend, letting Mom and Dad traipse out to Austin to do some things. Like seeing a movie at the Drafthouse.

And enjoying a Shake Shack shake.

Of course, the main event was the Rush concert at the Circuit of Americas. The place was huge, but it is suitable for the big sound of the Canadian trio.

Not included here are the 15GB of video I had recorded. I probably could do something about that...but that would require more energy. I may just yet get to the meantime, I'll keep hoping that everything will work out in the end!