Wednesday, January 15, 2014

And Now...We Have a Baby!

Really quick post from the hospital. Alison started having regular contractions Sunday night, so we rushed to Methodist Willowbrook and we're admitted. Through the night nothing really major happened.

In the morning, Alison's doctor came in and decided that the baby was going to be born today! She broke Alison's water and "augmented" her labor. By noon it was time to push, and everything went very quickly. By 12:36 PM 1/13/14, there was a squirmy baby John in Alison's arms.

He weighed 8lb 1oz and they measured him at 20.5in. Everything seems to be going well for mother and child.

I think I may be in for a bigger shock, suddenly becoming a dad. But already I know that I love our little dude.

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