Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Maybe I'm Amazed/ The Road Goes On

Excuse me, friends, while I wax more sentimental than usual. 

To my darling dearest,

There's a lot that's been complicated and difficult about this moving process, and it will probably continue to be so.  Being apart for an entire month has been a challenge and a reminder of the simple truth I realized when we were dating, we are better together.

And in spite of my crying as we drove away from Johnny and your parents in Tucson (even though I knew he'd be fine), having that week with you in California was exactly what I needed.  Really, I need you. (Amazing, no?)

So we don't know how or when our house will sell, or exactly how we'll get the rest of the stuff, Johnny, and I to California, or where we'll all live once we get there.  It's daunting to think that after all of our work and planning, we really don't have control over what happens next.  But here's what I do know: whatever comes next, we're going to be alright. We have an incredible network of support, and so much love and help from family, friends, and neighbors. When I stop to think about it, I know we couldn't have gotten this far without divine intervention. There's no reason for that to stop now.

I feel like we're living one of those stories people talk about when they're older, a time where nothing makes sense because they felt so sure that something was the right thing, and then things got really hard.  That seems like the part we're living.  Now we just have to wait for the part of our story where things work out, we learn stuff, and everyone's better for it.

I'll admit that things seem pretty bleak right now.  Last week a friend posted a message online that there has been so much heartache in the world lately, now's a time to share the things that give us hope. As I've thought about all the many things that give me hope, this line from Lord of the Rings has kept bouncing around in the back of my mind:

                      “I wish it need not have happened in my time," said Frodo.
                      "So do I," said Gandalf, "and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to                                  decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.”

                       ― J.R.R. TolkienThe Fellowship of the Ring

no better traveling companion

I love you, Captain. 

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