Monday, May 23, 2016

Pulling Weeds - A Post from April

This was sitting in the drafts page of our blog, so I decided to post it, sans photos.

I'm not sure where the time goes, but suddenly summer is around the corner and we've been in California for almost 5 months. I'll admit that there's a big transition period, and we're still not fully settled in. Some rooms still have boxes sitting in the open, and the others mostly have them stealthily hidden away. It's kind of like pulling weeds. You feel pretty good about what you've gotten done until you let it go for a week and realize more has sprung up like magic and multiplied when you weren't looking. (We have lots of weeds in the rockbeds lining the patio, so this is what actually happens in our yard every time it rains.) Maybe at some point your tolerance for what are acceptable levels of disorder comes back down to something normal and life proceeds in a less chaotic and more orderly fashion thereafter, but something tells me that's probability not the case. This truth I remember from my dad: There's always more to do.
Still, with art on the walls, carpets on the floors, and furniture more or less organized in all the rooms, our little place is starting to feel like home.

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