Monday, April 10, 2017

It's Springtime, and We're Having a Baby!

Howdy, folks! It's a bit late to be posting this, and most people know by now, but we do have some big news worth posting about:

It's a Boy!
Baby Reese 2 is Expected to Join us
July 27, 2017!

We're so excited that our little family is growing. Time is whisking by, and though we've told family and friends, it seems appropriate to share it here. 

Johnny is thrilled he gets to be a big brother, and even more excited that he was right in predicting that "it's a boy baby!" Gordon and I are busily making preparations and plans around the house for the new little guy and feel the time whisking by. It seems like not so long ago that we found out we were expecting another, but suddenly, we're half way to his due date.

Sometime soon we'll post more ~ Including our Spring Break Adventures in Hawaii!

So much love,
The Reese Family, soon to be party of 4. <3

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