Saturday, November 18, 2017

5 Years

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

If someone had asked me that 5 years ago today, I might not have said on a plane to Texas from our home in suburban LA County. But I would definitely have seen myself with you. The two kids probably would have been included in that picture as sort of a vague idea, but 5 years ago I had no concept of what being a parent is actually like, or who these other small people in our family would be. It's just one of those things you have to experience to understand. 

I certainly would not have guessed that in 5 years we would be living in our 3rd home, have moved to California (of all places), or have become intimately familiar with the ins and outs of Disneyland as two-year passholders. Looking back, it seems like every time we got an idea about long term plans, things turned on their ear,  and suddenly there was a new normal, a new place, a new little person, or another town to get to know. To borrow your word, the course  has often been turbulent. Still, I don't mind all the changes in direction. 

The constant that makes it all worthwhile, and makes the ever changing road an adventure, is you, my traveling companion. I am so grateful for that crisp, shiny November day five years ago when we set off  together. And I am thoroughly enjoying our story - a Captain, a Lady, and two little'uns forging a path into the unknown. If here there be dragons, I'm pretty sure we can take them. 

 It's been a winding 5 years. Here's to another and another and more together, my love. Happy Anniversary. 

All my love, 

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