So, it’s a regular weekday afternoon. I just got Tommy down for a nap, I spent a good ten
minutes looking for the magic bullet blender blades in the kitchen before giving up, threw
some random clothing pieces in the downstairs hamper, tossed the fart-noise truck and
costume parts in a basket in the front room, cleared a little more of the kitchen counter
and plopped down to skim social media for a mindless moment. (A wooden spatula and
cookie crumbs are still visible on the floor with who knows what else.)
minutes looking for the magic bullet blender blades in the kitchen before giving up, threw
some random clothing pieces in the downstairs hamper, tossed the fart-noise truck and
costume parts in a basket in the front room, cleared a little more of the kitchen counter
and plopped down to skim social media for a mindless moment. (A wooden spatula and
cookie crumbs are still visible on the floor with who knows what else.)
Anyway, in my scrolling, I came across this old picture of us. You and I in New York, late
summer 2013, standing in the rain on a city street, sharing a knish. We were wandering
and enjoying the place at our leisure, taking and having time for whatever we felt like doing.
A knish in the rain? Why not? A walk through the NYC Library? OK! Some shopping at the
MOMA store? Of course! It was a less complicated time in our lives, and everything really
was about just you and I.
summer 2013, standing in the rain on a city street, sharing a knish. We were wandering
and enjoying the place at our leisure, taking and having time for whatever we felt like doing.
A knish in the rain? Why not? A walk through the NYC Library? OK! Some shopping at the
MOMA store? Of course! It was a less complicated time in our lives, and everything really
was about just you and I.
In all the hubbub of day to day life, the hustle out the door to work/ school/ babysitter in the
mornings,the rush of after school pickups, dinner makings, child bathings, appointment
keepings, bedtime doings, and collapsing on the couch for a moment to breathe before
getting ready for bed and starting again the next day, it’s easy to get caught up and lose
sight of moments like the one in this picture. The times when you and I are on carefree
adventures are few and far between these days, but I relish it when we have them.
mornings,the rush of after school pickups, dinner makings, child bathings, appointment
keepings, bedtime doings, and collapsing on the couch for a moment to breathe before
getting ready for bed and starting again the next day, it’s easy to get caught up and lose
sight of moments like the one in this picture. The times when you and I are on carefree
adventures are few and far between these days, but I relish it when we have them.
Going off on a 'Moon Date' (Lunasia and Last Man in Pasadena), playing a silly game,
watching a show, sharing a snuggle before we both crash from exhaustion - all these
snippets, half moments, take me back to those early days when our us time was
unlimited and remind me that, in all of it, you and I have something pretty awesome.
I’m reminded in these moments that I not only love you (obviously), but I’m also a really
big fan of us. #wearesoawesomeweshouldwearcapes
watching a show, sharing a snuggle before we both crash from exhaustion - all these
snippets, half moments, take me back to those early days when our us time was
unlimited and remind me that, in all of it, you and I have something pretty awesome.
I’m reminded in these moments that I not only love you (obviously), but I’m also a really
big fan of us. #wearesoawesomeweshouldwearcapes
And in all the craziness, when I stop to look around for a moment, I realize that I like this
time of chaos too. We’ve got some pretty great kids, and we’ve carved out a decent little
niche for ourselves here in California. It turns out that I’m a big fan of our little family, our
home in this place, and our life here. It's wort pausing long enough to look around and
appreciate it before the moment passes - we’re pretty lucky.
time of chaos too. We’ve got some pretty great kids, and we’ve carved out a decent little
niche for ourselves here in California. It turns out that I’m a big fan of our little family, our
home in this place, and our life here. It's wort pausing long enough to look around and
appreciate it before the moment passes - we’re pretty lucky.
So before I rush off to do another of the many things undone, I’d like to take this moment
to say that I love you, Captain. Thanks for sharing a knish in the rain. Thanks for being a
fantastic father to our wild and fantastic children. Thanks for being here for me to hold onto,
my something solid when the world is in chaos. Thank you for being you, and for being mine.
To steal a line from Queen: Ooh you make me live/ I'm happy at home/ You're my best friend. (Listening to the full song is requisite.)
to say that I love you, Captain. Thanks for sharing a knish in the rain. Thanks for being a
fantastic father to our wild and fantastic children. Thanks for being here for me to hold onto,
my something solid when the world is in chaos. Thank you for being you, and for being mine.
To steal a line from Queen: Ooh you make me live/ I'm happy at home/ You're my best friend. (Listening to the full song is requisite.)
All my love,
Your Lady
… and just because it’s fun to look back, here are some pictures of us:
Honeymoon Babies - November 2012 - We were so young!
Awkward Pregnant Belly-Holding
& Less Awkward Tummy Hiding
Grandma James’ House
November 2013
Reese Party of Two + One!
Underbelly Restaurant (totally worth it)
& at Home Houston 2014
Reunited in Tucson
(after a month apart for the move to CA)
November 2015
↤ Grandma Debby’s House
November 2016
Back to Where It All Began - Woodlands Waterway Park
November 2017
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