December - February is a very eventful time for our family!
So, Gordon turned 34 in December, and we did some fun things. :)
We had a good time at home, ate some yummy food, and watch Gordon show off his new birthday duds. Of special interest were his first real California Hawaiian Shirt and the new Amazon Show! Happy 34th, stud! <3
Also, here are some fried randoms from December:
John did a pretty decent job with his QUITE lengthy role as Shepherd #3 in the Foothill Christian Preschool Christmas Program. (Seriously, he had like 12 lines, and they were not all short.) He was pretty solid on stage, which was a happy surprise after he bailed on the church primary program only a couple of months before. Way to go, buddy!
Shout out to the crowd after he remembered all his lines! Also, here's a picture of John with his teacher, Ms. Ann, who does her best to keep him and the 9 other crazy boys in his class in line without killing each other. We are grateful (and constantly sorry) for her!
Grandma Debby came through town briefly and helped us spruce up the house in Christmasy fashion. It was lots of fun! We also finally "decorated" our tree. It consited of much silliness and a lot of Tommy restraining.

Gordon and I were also put "on point" for the Ward Christmas Party's food committee (because apparently the committee chairs who were asked were not going to be in town the night of the party). Anywho, our friends the Thornhills actually did a pretty great job of purchasing/ organizing items for a dinner to please the whole ward, and we just had to execute the final product. It was a team of a bunch of young couples/ families, and we had a good time with it. Most importantly, the pot roast, potato bar, and spinach salad were all a big hit, and we didn't run out of food! Hooray!
John also ended up being a shepherd in the ward Christmas Party Nativity Program (courtesy of being friends with the McCleaves and Pews who largely populated the show this year).
No speaking parts this time - phew!
Also, John loves when Santa comes to visit at the Christmas Party. Tommy, not so much.
Ok, so it was really just us and her for Christmas in Texas this year, but as always, it was magical, AND we did end up having just a "small" version of the Christmas Eve Party, earlier than usual, that made for a pretty perfect Christmas Eve and a super laid back Christmas Day. Thanks for a great holiday, mom! We love you!
Special Bonus - Hilary and Ian's crew rolled in a couple of days after Christmas, and we got to overlap by about a week. It was really a fun trip, though we did miss our CA Gibbs fam. #nextsummerinbanff
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