Sunday, September 29, 2013

T-minus One Month

We're officially in crunch time. We've got about a month before we close on the house and we have to to get everything ready to go. All I can think of is...

Anyways, it's not my glorious writing that brings you here. It's the pics, because otherwise it didn't happen.

Inside the living room...
Brick on the back!
Will Fauxreos blend? Yes they will!
The bricking is done on 9/21!
Hey, we'll have a neighbor after all!
It's looking pretty nice...
Alison is thinking of things to put in the room, while I'm just happy that there is a room.
Here's a close-up of the masonry on our house.
Kitchen looks good too!

Alison's cadre of English teachers got super excited and bought tickets to go see Khaled Hosseini. Apparently they got too carried away and bought extra tickets, so I went along for the ride. He wrote Kite Runner and a couple of other books about Afghanistan.

We sat in a box seat in the Brown Theater.
He just published a new book, which he was kind of promoting. It was very interesting to hear his perspective on Afghanistan--where it has been, where it is, and where it will go. Before I went in I ran into one of my coworkers, who I learned is from Afghanistan himself.

Later in the week, Alison begged and pleaded with me to attend her school's homecoming football game. Reluctantly, I came out to the bright artificial lights of Friday night for the first time in 10 years.

The visiting team had a rather small traveling fanbase
It was surreal attending a football game as a civilian. We sat next to the mother of the varsity coach who regaled us with her, well, entire life story. Thankfully she was done after the first quarter and took off, allowing us to actually see some of the game.

I'm not sure if the Caney Creek Panthers realize how close their flag is to the Soviet Union's...
Here we are, almost wearing the school colors!
The next day, we went back to the house, which now has a walkway to the road. It was also very muddy and I got my feet soaked in it. I gave them a nice rinse in a pool of acidic runoff. We need vegetation here soon.

My shoes may be somewhere in this picture, mired in mud
An accidental selfie
Shelves to go with our otherwise awkward art niches!
And it started raining again...
Now comes the fun chore of selecting which refrigerator, washing machine, and dryer we need to buy. I've decided to get a gas line in the utility closet, so gas dryers are also an option. Have any recommendations? Sound off in the comments!

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