Well, now that Alison is a public servant, she gets exposed to the teeming masses of microfauna that come with them. I get a little of that on the side myself. Today I woke up and felt like...
I wish my bed looked so neat though...
Of course, Alison doesn't get the luxury of sick days, which makes me feel like a wimp. And she has to carry our baby dude. Wow...
Maybe I'm more like Zoolander than I thought.
Well, while I'm taking the day off, I might as well update the blog. Let's see, one of the thermal managers at work took off last week for vacation and came back to find this:
Not my idea, but I wasn't exactly disapproving
Our new subdivision continues to come along.
Alison's just happy that we don't live on Wilting Oak
What civilization looks like before it's done
Hey look, people are working on our house after all!
Wait, what kind of work are they doing?
Apparently some hoodlums came through and whacked all our windows. I guess this is what you get when you combine unmonitored buildings with bored teenagers. The builder is replacing them, as we would expect.
I hired an inspector to make sure Meritage was doing a good job putting the house together. This led to me learning more about ceiling joists, purloins, rat runs, and soffit vents than I ever cared to know. Suffice it to say, I'm glad there are people whose job it is to keep track of all of this. Eventually we concluded that everything was OK, so work continued.
Eric and Haley were chasing Coheed and Cambria Alice in Chains across the country, and they stopped in to see us after the concert.
We did the typical Houston things, like breakfast at Victor's:
Notice how Eric is always holding his phone in these pictures
A day a few hours at the Hotson Houston Zoo:
I want my buhd
I believe the technical term for this bird is "African Turkey"
The coolest animals in the park
Well hi there!
It's hot outside. You are likely to watch a gru eat. Er...eland.
America is not impressed.
The giraffe just wants to get to shade.
The elephant already found shade.
This turtle looks pret--HOLY #@%! IT HAS A SNAKE HEAD
After sweating 1/4 of our body's water reserves, we sought shelter from the heat in a movie theater. We watched The Butler, which is trying real real hard to win an Oscar. It might actually deserve one. It was good, but not great.
The took the kids to the house.
Newest feature: pile of dirt
Oh and our bricks have arrived.
Eric's reaching for his phone while Alison makes a normal gesture.
They took off on Labor Day. I had to meet the HVAC guy early at the house during the week (7 AM), and I snapped this picture.
Hey, they moved the little barrier!
On an exhausting day after getting peed on by our toilet (long story...well, I can make it short. The water was shut off in our townhouse while we were away and when it was turned back on there was a lot of air in the pipes. As the air gets pushed out, a compressed front occurs, which can make things jerk around. Alison flushed the toilet, which made the little refilling hose jostle loose with the shockwave and spray all over the tank and squirt out the sides. I opened the tank to see what was going on, couldn't figure it out, flushed the toilet, and immediately found the problem as toilet-refilling water sprayed me in the face. It was a simple fix to put it back in place at least.) we watched the BYU-Texas game, which went better than expected.
Look, I have AMNH spirit!
Our friend Claire had a farewell party before her mission to California.
I didn't think the faces were so bad, but others described them as "demonic"
Oh, and the Taylors visited! They were there for Debby's housewarming party, where she received a drawing of her older house.
We got to show them how our house is coming along!
Hey, there's a garage door now!
Unfortunately, the doors were locked and we couldn't take a look inside.
David was disappointed.
This land is my land...well, the part I'm standing on is. Uh, it will be, that is.
Well, I told my boss that I'd try to get some work done. We'll see how well I do.
Oh, and our baby is a male baby, in case you haven't heard.
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