Saturday, February 7, 2015

Summer Adventures 2014 (Just for Kicks)

A couple of weeks ago, I said to Gordon, "Hey, remember how we have a blog?"
To which he responded, "Yeah, and remember how I'm the only one who's posted on it for months?"
True enough.

So, here's a post about last summer for no reason in particular.

When we last left you, all the little Gibbs/ Brown/ Reese cousins had one last hurrah in October at Grandma Debby's before everybody went back home.  But before all of that there was lots of hot fun in the summer time.

Summer 2014 Adventures:

Here are some fun pictures from Elizabeth's birthday in July.
Look how little everyone was!

 A good time with balloons was had by all! 
Well, some were happy just to watch. :)

 Shortly thereafter, the Californians Arrived!
Fun on a Sunday afternoon!
(Charlotte and Emma both in natural poses.)

 Uncle Gordon is a magnet for children. This is not an unusual image when the gang's all around.
The kids all had fun at the Market Street splash pad.
 Also, apparently The Woodlands has a really cool indoor Children's Museum. It's a glorified play room, but it's super cool!

 Everyone was drawn towards dress ups and the stage... No surprise there!

This is as close to happy as Charlotte got in the car.
And of course, all of those cute in-between moments just need posting too. 
Emma and Johnny made quite the cute pair.



There was also a bit of fun at the carousel in The Woodlands Mall before the Browns flew off to another family reunion in the Northwest.

 Also, we had a HUGE surprise birthday party for my mom. Somehow, this is the ONLY picture I have of the event.  Suffice it to say, it was a fabulous party with LOTS of fabulous friends.
Pictured Here: Special Guest Marylin with Birthday Girl

And of course, what's summer without a pool party?

All too soon, it was time to say goodbye to the the cousins. 
These were actually some of my favorite shots from the summer. 
All the cousins! Wait, where's our baby? Oh well.

Everybody Get Gordon!

(everybody did)


Cousin hugs!

Ryan, can you give Emma a hug?

... I don't know....


Final rounds of hide and seek.

 We also had a little extra time before the California crew headed out!
Fun with Doors and Glasses

and sleepy Gordon

And Awesome Pillow Forts!

... ineffective against little sisters. ;)
 And last but not least, in August Johnny helped me set up my classroom at Klein High School!

 Johnny also turned 6 months old in August. My how time flies!

 And now that the school year's half way over, it's fun to look back on last summer and think of all the exciting things the next one will bring!

 I think we need to recreate this picture with all the kiddos this year. :)

More to come soon. Cheers,

- Alison

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