Monday, January 18, 2016

A Few Pictures to Exhibit

So if you're into pictures and not so much into reading, this post is for you.

Since we last met, Alison and I listened to Neil deGrasse Tyson:
The calm before the spacestorm
A fruitless endeavor in Rochester, NY:
Pretty in the summer, their winters are probably wicked

A tropical storm doesn't quite hit Houston:
Why is there so much water Daddy?
We flew to NYC to see the family and other things!
Aunt Linda and John groove to the Santana beat
Asleep at last
Mommy and Johnny at Lady Liberty

My thoughts exactly

Graham tries to figure out what "Tomato Snack" is

Sending out an SOS

Dramatic Chrysler

Shuttle Tyderian Enterprise

Living the Highline Life

We even took a very rainy trip down to Washington!
John was probably the happiest when wet

Hanging out with Uncle Mike

Then home again, home again for the 4th of July!
You get a flag! And you get a flag!

Waiting in the wrong spot for fireworks

More smores?
Later on in the summer, everyone was gathered for...I think some kind of Cinderella birthday party.
My parents came for a visit as well, and we all went to San Antonio to visit the James!

The preferred gathering spot

Papa showing off some new friends

Exploring the Botanical Gardens with Grammy and Papa

Frightening John with the Dark Side

Then, changes started happening. We learned we were moving away from Houston...
One last walk through the neighborhood

Eric and Krystal were married in Salt Lake City in October. John tried to steal the show.
Don't let that monkey escape!
Someone wants his binky
Too much partying
As almost a kind of parting gift, one of the neatest things I've seen at work appeared: a custom-made R2-D2!

My journey to LA began...
The famous roadside Texas stop
Simple hotel in El Paso
Fuel stop in New Mexico

Fortunately, my parents live on the road to Perdition Los Angeles, so I spent half a day with them.

Of course it was raining. It's the Sonoran desert
At last, after finishing two Magicians books, I made it to my host family, the Rupps. They were kind enough to let me stay with them for this period of limbo.
Sad/dismayed pumpkins adorn this Halloween house
Work began pretty much immediately. I set out to find potential homes, but I couldn't actually make any serious headway without having our house in Houston sold first. Many people here apparently are surprised to hear this predicament; I guess most home buyers in California have more cash than they know how to handle.

After about a month without them, I was able to see my family for Thanksgiving in Tucson.

A sandy portent of Christmas portent
A frightening pizza experience
Is it time for Thanksgiving dinner yet?
Fun times in Family Hall
For the first time ever, I attended Reid Park Zoo.

Johnny couldn't wait
He was looking for more elephants
An elephant is not a horse
Chaos at the restaurant
Dad's off-roading adventure

That's all I have time to do for now. This gets us a long way to present-day Limbo. Alison returned with me to Los Angeles, leaving John to play with his grandparents for close to a week. I'm not sure we got a lot accomplished in this time, but it was good to feel a little normal...eventually, we'll all be in the same place.

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