Okay, so it was Gordon's birthday yesterday, but we were too busy having fun to blog about it then. Here's an update on recent shenanigans at the townhouse!
Sunday, Birthday Sunday!
The birthday morning started in good fashion with German pancakes
(thank you, Williams-Sonoma), some eggnog, and the opening of
just one birthday present. It was a stormy December 16th in
Houston this year, so Gordon's first birthday gift was very
weather appropriate. You can see him below wearing his new
digs just before gobbling up the pancakes. (I am sorry I didn't
get a good picture of the food. I was distracted by the handsome
man in the trench coat.)
Yum! (Looking closely, you may note chocolate, boysenberry jam, and whipped cream on top.) |
Next we got going on preparations for Gordon's birthday dinner selection:
Kraft Magazine's Slow-Cooker Pork Cassoulet. This is the fancy name for what is essentially a hearty three-pork stew including pork shoulder, crumbled Italian sausage, and bacon (the selection of which was somewhat inspired by this:
Bibbity-Bobbity-Bacon). The birthday boy re-named the main dish Tres P
uercos (a far better name), as it paired nicely with the cake - a Triple Chocolate Tres Leches, also from Kraft magazine.
Though our Tres Leches did not turn out as beautifully as this one, it was very tasty. |
We went to church and had a lovely Sunday with our ward, then hurried home for more birthday-ing. (Gordon also got a new calling for his birthday, but he can tell you all about that later.) I had informed Gordon that we were having one, possibly two, friends from our old ward over for dinner to celebrate. So, we started getting hour'devours and some sides ready. By the time we were done making olive tepenade, crustinies, and getting out various cheeses and chips, the whole kitchen bar was covered with food.
I had started to put ice in a bowl when he asked me again how many people were coming. I dodged, and said, "Just a couple... maybe I'm over-doing it." (Okay, so I lied. I figured, with the quantity of hour-devours at most of the family Sunday dinners, I could believably get away with putting out that much for a small group.)
Shortly thereafter, the doorbell rang. Gordon answered and found the two friends I had mentioned... and seven more! (I do believe he was successfully surprised, and I'll admit to feeling terribly clever.) Everyone had a good laugh and dove into the fray, pulling out paper plates, serving dishes, salad, rolls, and other goodies brought by the surprise guests. A good time (and perhaps too much food) was had by all!
After the Tres Puercos and Leches had all been eaten and cleared away,
and all the guests had gone, we finished opening presents and got to catch
up with some of the family. Here are some more pictures of birthday fun!
Top Right: Gordon admires his new knife set. "Maybe I don't want a gun now!"
Middle Left: Playing with knives!
Middle Right: Making a call on with his Ooma!
Bottom Left: Birthday Cards!
Bottom Right: The Birthday Gift Umbrella! (There WAS a use for it!)
About that Star...
Some of your may recall, we have had trouble locating a simple, Christmas star to top off our Christmas tree. They all seem to be far too big, too glitzy, or too small to work. We were really excited when we thought we had found a solution on e-bay, but it was not exactly what we were looking for. (This is another story Gordon can tell you about later.) So, after calling one last Crate and Barrel only to find that they too were sold out of star tree toppers, I decided to take matters into my own hands.
How hard can it be?
One hour later...
And, Done! It's far from perfect, but it will certainly do for this year. Hurrah!
(Sorry, no garters.)
Also, some folks have been asking to see a pictures of the townhouse. I'm happy to oblige! (The second floor will have to be shot another time, as it is currently experiencing some organizational difficulties.)
A Quick Photo-Tour!
Welcome to our entry way!
Observe, our dining area!
... and some creative use of spare decor and space.

Adjacent to the left, you will note our kitchen.
Come on in and see what's inside!
Keen observers may find their own contributions amongst our kitchen accouterments!
Let's go back to the hall!
Here you will note the hall closet, and the door to the half bath just past the stairs. Directly across from the half bath is our highly functional little wet-bar. We're fond of filling water glasses here when feeling too lazy to walk all the way to the kitchen. It's also a handy little storage space.
Welcome to out living room! We're fond of it.

Aren't you?
Below is the view from our couch, on which we hope all of you will one day sit!
(But, you know, not all at once.)
I could take you all upstairs...
... but I think I'll go have some cheese on toast instead.
Have a srumptulescent day!
(I know I am.)