Friday, December 21, 2012

Free at Last!

Well I had intended to update earlier, but stuff like life...or The Hobbit in the way.

My last ditch effort to obtain to a star ended in the disaster below. I got this off of eBay, and the seller didn't exactly make it known that this thing was tiny. I'm glad I have Alison to fix things up right!

Also, if you're in the Houston area during Christmas, some of the best lights I've seen can be found along Prestonwood Forest. I think they call it the Nite of Lites or something like that to protest English's superfluous consonants.

I'm going to be a counselor in the Sunday School presidency. I'm not entirely sure what that will mean except for having to be prepared every Sunday to teach teenagers. Alison has been doing this everyday, and she says it's not so bad. I dunno...

We'll be flying out to Tucson tomorrow to hopefully cooler weather. Never thought I'd say that!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Stupid comment printed twice, so I removed one, and NONE remain. ARGHH! I just got caught up and you look like you are doing well. The place looks great, the star is stellar, the food looks and sounds good in spite of the mess. You seem to be doing very well! I must add parenthetically, however, that the lamp with dodads "looks questionable to me."

