Time for more blog updates! I'm sure you are all waiting with bated breath to see what is going on with us. Well, time to unabate your breathing; I'm here to regale you with tales of...SHOPPING!
Even Macaulay Culkin is horrified |
We needed to burn some of our Pottery Barn gift certificates because they are the first to expire. Alison dithered between pillows, pottery, and pictures before settling on a few items. Checking out turned out to be an ordeal because some of our gift cards could only be used once per transaction. After we got out of there, we hopped into Williamsonoma, which was actually a much more interesting store. However, I was on the phone with Jordan most the time, so I didn't get to enjoy it as much. I'm just glad Alison is willing to put up with my...lack of enthusiasm.
Trying to put the house in order, we've tried a little bit of decorating too. We started hitting the hardware stores. We checked out a craft store too. Now, you see this when you come to our door:
The EYE of CHRISTMAS sees you |
Alison also patched together some boughs with bows and wire, sprucing up our stairwell:
It even smells a little like Christmas! |
Of course, no holiday decorations can be complete without one of these:
It's so FESTIVE |
Er...maybe? I was thinking more of this:
It's so ALMOST complete! |
I feel like an adult now that
I we have
my our own Christmas tree! There's one minor niggle however. I can't find a suitable star to go atop our tree! Everything I have found is either gaudy, one-sided, or simply ill-suited to adorn the place of honor. Apparently illuminated tree toppers are a big thing now, but I don't want to have to run a special cord all the way up the tree just to light the star. I thought that purchasing a simple silver or gold star would be easy, but I have scoured stores both in meat and cyberspace without much luck. I think I may have finally found something on eBay (after rejecting a one-sided $50 offering from Pottery Yawn)...I'll let you know if it pans out.
Meanwhile, Magolf sits in the body shop, unpaid. NEVER, folks, try to go it without insurance. You'll save a lot of trouble...
And it's too stinking hot to be Christmas. HOUSTON, WE'RE BLAMING YOU.
Well, we had to do something with that extra ribbon, and that umbrella was just sitting there, all unused and sad....