Sunday, September 4, 2016

A Reese Family 4th at Knott's Berry Farm!

Summer Continues!

When John and I got back for Houston, Bryan, Felica, and Haley were already here for Fourth of July fun!  We were excited for the Ward Breakfast and Flag raising, and we were even more excited for our Knott's Berry Farm trip on the big day!

 As is tradition, Haley made Flag Cake! (YUM!)

 The ward breakfast was delish!

 There was also a bike parade and flag raising! 

 My friend Jessica took some great family pictures for us. :)

 This one's my favorite.

 Hanging out at home! (Note the boxes of photos and cool stuff from Gordon's mission. We love it!)

 Hawaiian Haystacks A'la Felicia 
 Knott's Berry Farm is really awesome. It's very different from Disneyland in feel, styling, and types of rides, but it's distinctive atmosphere and festival-style performances are part of what make it special. I'm excited to go again!
Something else cool about this place is that John could ride a lot of the kiddie rides alone. He loved it and still talks about going to "The Farm" randomly when we're in the car. 

 We had fabulous dinner at the restaruant there, but we were all too busy eating/ entertaining John with cartoons on phone to take pictures. I was delish.

When the sun went down we could see fireworks shows from the towns all around the amusment park. I can think of few things more American than watching fireworks go off in the sky around us from the peak of a roller-coaster on the 4th of July.

The farm put on some pretty great fireworks too. Unfortunately, we were separated from Bryan and Felica during the show. Due to crowd concerns, we couldn't go to meet them where they were standing, so we camped out near a shop entrance to watch. (We killed time trying glasses on Gordon.) We were able to find each other again after to enjoy some delicious pie!

Haley had to go home on the 5th, but we got to enjoy more of the week with Bryan and Felicia. We had lots of fun a Newport beach and hanging out in Glendora before they headed back to AZ.

We love you guys! Come again soon! <3
And thanks again for the pretty flowers! <3

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