Sunday, September 4, 2016

In the Good Old Summertime!

 Thinking back on our summer, I was reminded of the song "In the Good Old Summertime," and I found a couple of versions worth sharing. I think the one in my head is a hybrid of these two:

So, with our soundtrack set, on to more California Adventures in June and July.A lot has happened this summer, so here comes a series of posts with mash ups from late May on!

We Have Gone to San Francisco!

I know Gordon already covered this, but I have picture too, so we're double dipping. 

"Oh, wow! Cool room!"
Our family visit to San Francisco was a first for all of us, and it's a pretty amazing city. I was particularly struck by the mash-up of architecture ranging from as early as the 1800's to modern day constructions, and the winding, hilly streets display them almost so they're stacked on top of one another. Very cool.

Johnny was especially impressed by our hotel room, and the fact that he could turn on the lamp by climbing on the "cool chair." He ran/ climbed around going "Wow!" for a while.  (The thrill was probably amplified by having spent the better part of the previous 6 hours in the car.)

After parking we went right into the city. Here are pictures from day 1.
This room had some of our favorite stuff. We even took some prints home with us after. 

 Johnny got worn out after about an hour of museum-ing. We took him to the park across the street. We enjoyed it more than he did.

 Flowers in his hair.

 The next day we went to visit some of the James side of the family, Gordon's cousin, her husband, and daughter live across the bay.  We took the train and bus to get over there instead of driving, and it worked out pretty well. As luck would have it, his uncle KB was on a long layover that day, so we all had a fun picnic at the beach.

 Johnny had a great time playing with his little cousin (something removed or second?) It's fun to know we have more family in CA, even if they are all the way up north.

After our beaching was done, we caught the bus and train back to SF propper, and went for some famous SF Ghiradelli Chocolate with ice cream.

 In spite of being wiped out from running and playing at the beach for most of the moring, John rallied for some ice cream.

We shared the enormous sundae pictured here. It was as good as it looks. :)

We went out just one more time after naps to enjoy our last evening in town before driving home the next day.

Riding the street cars, visiting Exploratorium Museum, and dim sum in Chinatown were still on our to-do list. Our last night was a crazy, cross-town adventure.  

 Happy Streetcar Faces! Sad Street Car Faces. The ride was very cool, but after taking it, we realized that walking actually would have been faster. d

This place was super cool. We plan to go again someday and spend more time.
 My favorite part was getting to see and push some of Theo Jensen's Strandbeasts in person at a limited exhibit. The videos of these are amazing.

Onward and upward! Our final destination, China town. We walked uphill for a while, but the dim sum was worth the walk. 

 I loved Chinatown, though apparently all the shops close around 5pm. We got there just as everything was closing up.


We went to a pretty square closer to the hotel, got something John would eat, and enjoyed what was easily my favorite meal in SF.
Tired Boys

Around 8pm we got hungry again, so I ran out and picked up really good Chinese food from this place around the corner from our Hotel. We ate in the dark.

 The next morning we hunted down breakfast (which was okay) and headed out of town!

 So long, San Francisco! Also, I challenge you to watch this video and not think of this. 


Home again!

After SF, things continued as usual. Here's some outtakes from every day life.
 Johnny tells stories over breakfast "Dinosaur Juice" smootie.

 Gordon goes on a Boyscouts overnight hike, and I introduce John to Follow That Bird.

We put up some art.

Rob and the girls came to play.  

 We visited the library ("I like it library!"), and got a second-hand guitar. 
Plantation Shutters and fresh flowers make our place feel nice. 

 More fun at the park and with cousins!

 PS - Boxes are the best toys ever.

Disneyland! because we can :)

Happy Father's Day!

Gordon is the best!

Houston Trip with John and Emma!

There was potential for a cousin party at Grandma Debby's when Hilary arrived with Andrew, Ryan, and Elizabeth in June, but Rob, Michelle, and Gordon's work schedules wouldn't let them come. So I hopped a flight with John and Emma for a little over a week of Houston family fun! (Charlotte got a long weekend with her parents in Disneyland, so it all worked out.)

 An appropriate arrival treat!

 The biggest news at Grandma's was the completion of the Narnia room, video and pictures of Brown kids doing the big real here.

Finding Dory was a hit. 

 Snuggles with Grandma Debby and Emma

 chillin' after swimmin'

Park, Children's Museum, and The Republic Grill

Sunday, Sunday

 Rob came to pick up Emma and flew back on Monday. 

John fell comfortably into old routines at Grandma's.

 Jumping on my old bed has always been a favorite. 

              More Fun

 Mike and Alayne had lunch with Hilary and Ian (with the help of Facetime).


And then it was time to say goodbye.

 My Uber plans at LAX didn't work out, so Gordon came to rescue us.
 The happy ending. :)

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