Sunday, September 4, 2016

Potty Party

We had a potty pary-tay!
So we found a pretty awesome preschool in Glendora for John, and it has hours long enough for our work schedules, and they even will take 2 year Olds who aren't potty trained for about $80 more a month. So in the interest of saving money, we took the "Potty Plunge," as it were.
I'd heard a lot of hype about the Potty training in 3 days method, read a lot of mommy blogs ranging from helpful to terrifying, and had cobbled together something of a plan (the most important thing, according to pretty much everyone) that we were going to implement over a long weekend in the summer.
Really, though, I think he was just ready. And having all the Potty Training themed cartoons/ youtube videos in heavy rotation helped.

 Getting ready!
 It's Potty Party Day!

 No More Diapers! (We proceeded to gather them up, throw them over the upstairs railing, and put the in garbage bags we took outside.)

 Lot's of salty and sweet snacks with LOTS of fluids! (And a stop on the pot every 15 min.)

 Part Central! (Towels serve a double purpose.)
 It's time to break out the undies!

 Hurray! Success on the potty equals party in the back yard!

 John also loved his balloon. It said Happy Birthday, but he can't read, so it doesn't matter. :)

 Preach, Daniel!

 The first accident happened in the "Bus" box in the office. Goodbye, box.
 By the end of day, only a couple of accidents and a lot of success. Not too shabby!
 Good job, bud!
 (Everybody gets cupcakes.)
 Day 2: Breakfast!
 Party outside!
 He was thrilled to go to the park!

 He also had his biggest success on Day 2: a number 2 in the little lou! (Ice cream reward!)
 Day 3 and going strong!
 This is a happy (and for the most part accident free) kid!
 So now our bubby is officially a boy. Congratulations, John!

 Life goes on.
 Mostly normally. :)

On a final note, we went with Rob and Michelle to see Flight of the Conchords, and it was soo great. 

So was our food. Be jealous. 

 Happy times. See ya soon, folks!

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